Friday, 24 July 2015

Keeping Our Bodies Healthy!

This term we have a few different topics for our Inquiry learning - We're starting off with Keeping Our Bodies Healthy and looking at the food pyramid, exercise and keeping our bodies clean and well. Then we're going to move on to a country study and follow that country through the Rugby World Cup.

We have already started on Healthy Eating by looking at the food pyramid and we had a great lesson about which drinks have more sugar or less sugar than others. At first we thought the red labled Coke and Raro were the worst but then we found out that it was actually the apple juice! We noticed that apple juice has lots of natural sugars in it, so it was a little better for us than the chemical sugars in other drinks, but still, 10.6g of sugar in every 100ml is a lot!

These were our predictions, but in the end it was apple juice with the most sugar, red coke, raro, trim milk (green lid), standard milk (blue lid), then water, coke zero and the silver 'sugar free' V energy drink all had no sugar it them.

Coke Zero and the Sugar Free V energy drink have artificial or pretend sugar which is unhealthy for our bodies.

We decided it was best to drink water from the tap because it has no sugar at all, or blue top milk, because it had 4.7g of sugar in every 100ml.

Keeping our diets healthy helps our bodies stay healthy!

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