Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Busy Week 11!

This week is our last week of Term 2 and it's a busy one!

Remember these special events at our school:

Wednesday 1st July - Parent Teacher Interviews 
You can come and talk to the teachers and get your reports between 3 and 5.30, then again at 6pm until 7.30pm. If you can't make it during these times then the reports will be sent home in an envelope on Friday afternoon.

Thursday 2nd July - Open Morning and Sausage Lunch
Our school is open to your family and whanau from 9am-12 noon to come and have a look at what we are learning and see us in action! We are also having our sausage and bread lunch, so if you have paid your $1 for a sausage in bread at lunchtime, then lucky you!

Friday 3rd July - Last Day of Term, Skip Off and Early Finishing Time
You made it with lots of learning along the way! It's the end of Term 2 this Friday and we have a jam packed day! We have our special Red Sock Leadership assembly and an early lunch time so we can fit in the Skip Off for the whole school. It starts at 12.45pm and your family can come and watch you skipping in the demonstration and in the endurance skip off, then we finish school at 2pm.

1 comment:

  1. ki ora room 6, I can't wait until it's skip off on Friday and opening morning on Thursday too. Wish that I have the best skip off i've ever had.From Limiteti


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