Friday, 1 May 2015

Pasifika Art

This term our focus in art is on using pastels.

We're using our pastels to make some beautiful pasifika themed art using flowers and bright colours.

We drew out the outlines in pencil first and added in any patterns that we wanted to create.

 Then we decided which 4 colours we were going to use and then coloured them in different patterns using the pastels. The pastels gave us a really bright colour and made our designs pop!

Then we put a black outline around the flower petals so it made them clearly stand out. We then put them onto black paper and wrote our names in white so that it contrasted with  the bright colours.

Have a look at Room 6's flowers:


  1. Hi Miss Walters,I really like your Samoan flower.When are you going to post up the rest of the classes flowers?By the way I'm really impressed with the Room 6 Blog @Ruapotaka School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Excellent art work Room 6! It looks awesome, just like real Samoan flowers!

    From Miss Walters

  3. Hi Miss Walters,I really like your Samoan flower.When are you going to post up the rest of the classes flowers?By the way I'm really impressed with the Room 6 Blog @Ruapotaka School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From Jessica

  4. Thanks for your awesome comment, Jessica! I love hearing back from our class on the blog. I'm going to take some photos of the walls tonight!

  5. Your flowers look fantastic - well done!

    1. Thank you Mr Walters for your kind comment.We worked really hard for three afternoons on them! From Room 6 :)

  6. great art work Miss Walters from Agueer

  7. I really love what you have done to your art work Miss Walters your pacific flower looks beautiful and I love it.well done Miss Walters.From Alicia

  8. it looks beautiful on the wall in room 6 miss walters. it looks like we're in a class room island with pretty samon flowers. From Limiteti


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