Friday, 31 July 2015

Expressive Entertainment!

Last week before Miss Walters got sick, the Giraffes reading group practiced a play in their guided reading lesson. They had to practice using lots of expression to make their reading exciting to listen to...

Have a look at their video on Youtube and see if you think they nailed it, or whether there are more ideas they might need to know to be better than before!!

Mask Mania!

Making Masks

Yesterday room six finished their art work. We were making masks.

The first step was when Miss Walters put out newspaper, water, home made paint and paint brushes. The paint was made out of flour, salt, water and food colouring. There was purple, orange, pink, yellow, blue and green.

The next step was when Miss Walters gave us all paper plates. Then she put out the scissors on the mat. We grabbed the scissors then we started to cut out two eyes on the plate. Before we cut two eyes out we had to get out our mask design piece of paper. We copied out what we drew onto the paper plate.

Next our teacher Miss Walters chose five people to paint their mask. When it was my turn I used pink, purple and blue paint. Then we put our masks on the spare desks to dry.

After all of that we packed up ready to go home. Our masks looked really amazing!

By Alicia Roberts-Tuahuru

Research Central

For our Inquiry topic we did a bit of research on the food pyramid in groups. We used the tablet and the laptops to google search for information on the different food groups and we found out lots of new information.

Jessica's group focused on food that fits in the middle of the pyramid. They found out using the laptop that carbohydrates make up most of our body's energy consumption. Also in this group is the meat we eat (protein) and dairy products and eggs. We should eat some of these foods!

Dora's group were researching the bottom of the pyramid all about the healthy foods. They found out lots of information about keeping your body healthy by eating lots of vegetables and fruit. They found out that there were lots of nutrients in green vegetables that help your brain to concentrate.

 Frank's group was researching the top of the pyramid where you can find the unhealthy or treat foods. They found out how much sugar was inside a vanilla milkshake from Burger King - a huge 46.33g of extra sugar! That's a bunch!

We found a lot of information using the internet and made notes for the wall!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

It's Folding Time!

Over the next few weeks we're going to try our hand at Origami for our art lessons - Hopefully we'll have some fun, a few giggles and be 'in creases'! 

I'm going to be learning how to make different art pieces using different folding techniques with paper as well! I'm not the greatest at origami but we can all learn together! Looking up videos on Youtube is an easy way to learn - I've found lots of easy ones and loads of tricky ones :)

Have a look at some of these videos and see if you can see any that start similarly to each other:

Origami Frog -
Origami Simple Lotus Flower -
Origami Butterfly -

Here is a link to a blog with lots of stunning origami projects to have a look at!

I'll leave you with an Origami themed joke... "I heard some people broke into an Origami exhibition over the weekend and ruined all the exhibits. Police are trying to work out how the events unfolded!"

Ha ha ha!

Happy Folding!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Keeping Our Bodies Healthy!

This term we have a few different topics for our Inquiry learning - We're starting off with Keeping Our Bodies Healthy and looking at the food pyramid, exercise and keeping our bodies clean and well. Then we're going to move on to a country study and follow that country through the Rugby World Cup.

We have already started on Healthy Eating by looking at the food pyramid and we had a great lesson about which drinks have more sugar or less sugar than others. At first we thought the red labled Coke and Raro were the worst but then we found out that it was actually the apple juice! We noticed that apple juice has lots of natural sugars in it, so it was a little better for us than the chemical sugars in other drinks, but still, 10.6g of sugar in every 100ml is a lot!

These were our predictions, but in the end it was apple juice with the most sugar, red coke, raro, trim milk (green lid), standard milk (blue lid), then water, coke zero and the silver 'sugar free' V energy drink all had no sugar it them.

Coke Zero and the Sugar Free V energy drink have artificial or pretend sugar which is unhealthy for our bodies.

We decided it was best to drink water from the tap because it has no sugar at all, or blue top milk, because it had 4.7g of sugar in every 100ml.

Keeping our diets healthy helps our bodies stay healthy!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Welcome Back!

Today is the first day back for Term 3! We're going to learn lots this term as well as have some Samoan music lessons, practice for Cross Country and have some special PE lessons later in the term.

This term we are focusing on multiplication and division in maths, so get practicing at home, as well as keeping your basic facts up to speed.

I hope you enjoyed the inquiry videos last term and are looking forward to learning about our bodies and health, South Africa and the Rugby World Cup in England this term!

Keep up the hard work from last term and remember your homework, spelling, reading and to always wear your uniform!

Here's to having a great term 3!

Miss Walters

Monday, 6 July 2015

Goodbye for Term 2

It was the last day of Term 2 on Friday and we've had a very busy term with skipping, movie making, explaining our maths and lots of exciting things like the Pumphouse Theatre trip for some people!

I just wanted to say a thank you to all the families who help their children out by listening to them read and practice their spelling with them, check their homework and keep things ticking along so that when we're at school we have everything we need ready to go!

Keep up the great work, Room 6 and keep talking, reading, adding, subtracting, writing and practicing all those skills we've learnt this term!

Don't forget everything we've learnt but please also have a lovely, safe holiday and come back feeling good and rested, ready to go for Term 3!

I'm looking forward to a winter holiday but also all the smiles and hard work in Term 3!

Stay safe and see you in Term 3!

Miss Walters

Skip Off!

Well done to our best skippers in Room 6!

We had our top four skippers from Room 6 entered into the Junior Skip Off competition for endurance - Limiteti, Leanah, Tristan and Dora.

We had a 'most improved skipper' award which went to Frank.

Keep up the great work, good fitness and keep yourselves healthy!

Friday, 3 July 2015

That's a Wrap!

Room 6 have been incredibly busy the last few weeks with their movie making!

We've learnt lots about how to use our tablet to film each other and practiced our oral language by learning our lines. We have thought about how to shoot the movie using different places in our classroom for different settings.

We had to learn to be nice and quiet while other groups were filming but that took us a little bit of time to practice sometimes! We used costumes that we brought from home to dress up as our different characters and one lucky group even got to pretend to drive a car!

Unfortunately due to technology changes on our class laptops and a lack of time after many special events at school, Miss Walters had to cut the videos to edit them because the class ran out of time, BUT next time that will be our goal!

The videos are pretty long so the links to them are below as they had to be uploaded to YouTube, and we hope to enter into the Maniakalani Film Festival as a class later in the year and use the proper video cameras.

Here's a recap of the groups and the links below!

Superheroes Against Rubbish - Limiteti, Alicia, Kotipi, Frank, Nowar and Jazer.
Three evil villains are taking over the world with rubbish! The brave superhero ninjas have to collect the rubbish and capture the villains.

Celebrity News - Guinevere, Tristan, Taniela and Leanah.
Four celebrities create a news report and interviews on Channel 104 to investigate rubbish.

Detective Saves the World - Riiana, Jessica, Augeer, Dora and Anthony.
Two citizens are asked questions by a detective. The mayor calls the detective and give her a mission to find out answers about her abandoned recycling centre. The detective has to find and defeat a ninja with the help of a mystery friend...

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Busy Week 11!

This week is our last week of Term 2 and it's a busy one!

Remember these special events at our school:

Wednesday 1st July - Parent Teacher Interviews 
You can come and talk to the teachers and get your reports between 3 and 5.30, then again at 6pm until 7.30pm. If you can't make it during these times then the reports will be sent home in an envelope on Friday afternoon.

Thursday 2nd July - Open Morning and Sausage Lunch
Our school is open to your family and whanau from 9am-12 noon to come and have a look at what we are learning and see us in action! We are also having our sausage and bread lunch, so if you have paid your $1 for a sausage in bread at lunchtime, then lucky you!

Friday 3rd July - Last Day of Term, Skip Off and Early Finishing Time
You made it with lots of learning along the way! It's the end of Term 2 this Friday and we have a jam packed day! We have our special Red Sock Leadership assembly and an early lunch time so we can fit in the Skip Off for the whole school. It starts at 12.45pm and your family can come and watch you skipping in the demonstration and in the endurance skip off, then we finish school at 2pm.