Writer of the Week 2014

TERM 4 2014

T4 W7  20.11.14

WALT write a report to give the reader new information.


Learning is the most important part of school. Spelling is to learn new words so you can keep on writing. Writing is important so when you write you will get better and better.

Reading would get you hard wrods for your writing and spelling. Maths can help you in life. When you are learning maths you will get better and better.
Lunch orders are only in the morning. Orders are at the office or library. Speeches are in the final. If you win you will get a trophy.

Athletics is a fun day. When you win the athletics you are in the semi final.
Fun day is very special. You can make biscuits and have a sausage sizzle.

By Anonymous

T4 W6  5.11.14

WALT write a letter to someone showing the correct layout.

10a Taratoa Street,
Panmure, Auckland,

In the weekend I went to the Number One Shoes with my mum, sister and Satui. We were going to buy me and Satui new shoes.

After we bought new shoes we put them in the car and drove to McDonald’s for four soft cones and two flakes.

After we ate our soft cones we drove home and when we got home Satui said “why did we buy new shoes?” I answered “because our old shoes are dirty.”

From Henry.

T4 W5 - 5.11.14

WALT write a letter to someone showing the correct layout.

10a Taratoa Street,
Panmure, Auckland,


To Satevah,

I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party. I want you to come to Rainbows End. It is a rainbow theme. I would like you to wear a tutu.

It’s at 1pm and on the 8th of May 2015.

You’re for free. I will pay for you. There will be a lot of food and candy.

From Jessie.

T4 W4 - 31.10.14

WALT write sensible rules about Halloween and Guy Fawkes.

 Safety Rules For Halloween
  1. Do not go by yourself!
  2. Do not scare people!
  3. Do not open the door!
  4. Never ever bang on the door!
  5. Do not have real weapons in your hand!

     Safety Rules for Guy Fawkes
1    1. Never ever touch fireworks!
      2. Do not go near it!
3.   3. Do not be silly!

By Saluselo 

T4 W3 - 23.10.14

Animal Babies
Furry kittens,
Squealy pigs,
White seals,
Cute puppies,
Baby cows,
Blind foxes,
Cute calves,
Baby hawks,
Fluffy owls,
Fighting piglets,
Baby orang-utans,
Meerkat pups,
Slow koala,
Laughing hyenas,
Baby hare,
Goat kids,
Elephant calves,
Ducklings waddle,
Swimming calves,
Deer fawns,
Black puppies,
Baby crocodile,
Cougar cubs,
Crane chicks,
Chinchilla kits,
Chimpanzee babies,
Chicken chicks,
Butterfly eggs,
Bear cubs,
Beaver kits,
Badger cubs,
Baboon babies,
Anteater pups,
Alligator eggs,
Lemming babies,
Leopard cubs,
Jawfish babies,
Jackal pups,
Iguana hatches,
Hornbill chicks,
Horse foals,
Guinea pig pups.

By Anonymous

T4 W2 - 16.10.14

WALT write a successful explanation with an introduction, 3 main paragraphs and a conclusion.

Why Dogs Bark

Dogs bark for lots of reasons.

Dogs bark because they might protect us and chase people they don’t know. They might bite, growl and hurt people.

Dogs bark because they are scared of people and of other big dogs. Dogs might bark because of loud noises.

Some dogs might bark if they’re happy to see you or if you play some games with them.

I like dogs.

By Elisha 

TERM 3 2014

T3 W10 16.9.14

WALT write an explanation using paragraphs for main ideas.


Homework is important. You should do your homework because you need to be better than before, because it is a school rule and you need to practice your subjects.

Homework is important because we get a good education by practicing. We get homework so we can get better than before and to get smarter. We get homework to learn more.

We get homework on Monday’s and we hand it in on Thursday. If you don’t bring your homework book you will do it in the library with Miss Walters.

We get homework to learn spelling, speeches, reading, sheets, maths and writing. Homework is important to do.

Doing homework is fun.

By Anonymous

T3 W9 - 11.9.14

WALT write an explanation using paragraphs for each idea.

How do we look after your dog or puppy.

You need to take your puppy or dog training so that they can be big and healthy. If your dogs are sick you better need to take your dog or puppy to the vet.

Dogs need lots of food to eat so they can get bigger. You can feed them dog biscuits and lots of food. You need to make them drink fresh water.

Dogs and puppies need a safe place to live and a good place to play. You need a fenced garden so your dog doesn’t go out of your house.

By Angela 

T3 W8 - 2.9.14

WALT write a cinquain poem with 5 lines and the right syllables in each line.


Fast, furious,

Playing, kicking, pushing,

Tough and fast players together.


By Damien 

T3 W7 - 27.8.14

WALT write an acrostic poem to describe something or someone.

Respectful people in Room Seven.
Oral language to be done.
On the mat we sit still.
Maths is magic for your brain.

Social skills are fun.
Equal learning and sharing.
Values are important in our classroom.
Enormous inspiration.
Nice reading.

By Satevah 

T3 W6 20.8.14

WALT write a list poem to describe something.


Surf boards

Sea horse

Beach ball

Cold water

Big sharks

Ice cream

Fun people

Hard rocks

Swimming togs
Sharp crabs
Scary sharks
Nice turtles
Golden fish
Nice dolphins
Jelly fish
Fast boats
Scuba diver
Sun block.

By Henry 

 T3 W5 13.8.14

WALT write for an audience.

The Hulk Going to School.

Once upon a time there lived a marvel superhero called the Hulk. The Hulk was green with purple pants and big muscles. The hulk had friends called Captain America, Spiderman, Nick Fury, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Evil Spiderman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

One day they all were playing in a movie called The Avengers. When they finished Captain America said to the Hulk “you need to go to school Hulk”. The Hulk shouted “no!”. Captain America said I’m booking you to go to Ruapotaka School.

When the Hulk got to Room 7 all of the kids jumped on him. The Hulk felt happy so they lived happily ever after.

By Anonymous

T3 W4 - 8.8.14

WALT: write a story about Mrs Dunne’s new tank.

One day Mrs Dunne got a new tank. It was really big. One day Mrs Dunne got her tank for Shelby. When they got it there was a cat fish so Mrs Dunne got it too. It’s name was Ika. It was so beautiful! It has whiskers and different patterns and colours. Sometimes cat fish help clean tanks, like all the dirty stuff. Sometimes Shelby plays in her bubbles with his ball. Shelby has green and black colours.

By Koru 

T3 W4 - 29.07.14

WALT write a successful narrative using a plan.

Once upon a time there was a couple named Zac and Jenny. They were a loving couple and because they don’t fight and don’t smoke. They do great stuff but suddenly they were sleeping. Zac woke up and said “JENNY!” because Jenny was gone. Zac was looking everywhere. Zac recognised bad Luke. Zac said “why was there a window open?” So he drove to Luke’s hotel. When Zac got there he went to the counter. Zac saw Luke so he went up to him and then Zac said “where’s Jenny, WHERE IS SHE, do you have something to tell me?” Zac heard screaming. “Help! Help!” so Zac ran to help her. He tried to open the door but it was locked, so he went to Luke and fought him. “Where’s the keys?” While they were fighting Luke dropped the keys. Zac got them really fast so he ran up to Luke’s room and whala! The door was open. Zac said to Jenny “I need to untie you quick so we can get out of here.” Luke was still on the ground so they ran across him and went home. They lived happily ever after.

By Sharlom 

T3 W2 - 21.7.14

WALT write a successful recount of our school holidays.

My School Holidays

In the holidays me and my sisters were going to watch Tinkerbell but we forgot to get tickets. Instead of going to the movies we went to ice skating. When we were there we went inside but when we were on the ice I didn’t know how to skate because I kept on slipping down. Then I said I don’t want to come here so we went to bowling and see if thats right for me. So when we got inside we went to the counter so we can choose a place to go. Then we went to the last one at the back. I said i want to go first so I did. Then I felt better than before. Then we went home to go to sleep.

By Anonymous

TERM 2 2014

T2 W923.6.14

WALT write an explanation text

Home Safety

It is important to stay safe at home.

When you’re at home always shut and lock doors and windows. If you’re at home by yourself and someone knocks, look and see if you know them but if you’re with an adult wake them up and tell them.

If your mum or dad is asleep don’t touch anything hot or sharp because they hurt you. If you see a lighter tell your dad. When your dad cooks remember to tell them to check if it is switched off.

If you’re in the bathroom don’t leave the water running because it will turn into a big flood. Remember to keep things clean and tidy.

If you do all these things you will be safe at home.

By Tupouseini 

T2 W8 18.6.14

WALT write an explanation text.


Children can play with toys at school.

Children can dress up in princess clothes.

Children need to share with toys so they don’t cry or get sad.

I like playing with toys because I get bored.

Children enjoy playing with toys.

By Jessie Tihi

T2 W7

WALT: write a narrative with a clear beginning, middle and end.

Richie and the Sad Wolf

Once upon a time there lived a horseman and a sad wolf. The sad wolf was crying and he was sniffing too. He was so cross with the horseman because he ate all his family. The wolf smashed the horseman. The horseman said “nay”. He’d got lost in the woods now he was the one who was crying. He roared and he made it worse. The end and the wolf lived happily ever after.

By Jackson 

T2 W6

WALT: write a narrative with a clear beginning, middle and end.

Once upon a time there was a little boy called Jack. Jack had black hair that was short. He lived with his parents, aunties, uncles and his little sister Mary. One night they watched the news on channel 3. When they watched it they heard that a humongous firey dragon was coming with an ogre called Shrek. So Jack’s dad, Jack and two of Jack’s uncles grabbed their swords and went to fight. They saw Jack’s friend Sunny and Jack said to Sunny “what are you doing here?” Sunny said “why do you have your sword?” Jack said “because I’m going to fight a dragon and an ogre.” Sunny said “can I come with you please Jack?” so he said “yes.” On the way Sunny got hurt and said “It’s okay Jack I’ll be fine!” “Okay” said Jack. They saw the dragon and cut it’s head off. When they finished fighting the dragon the ogre cried “Why? Why did you kill him?” the ogre shouted “Now I’m going to kill you you big fat meany.” So they started to fight. When they fighted he grabbed his sword off the dirty ground and said “bring it on!” so Jack went to the ogre and cut his head off. After that they set off home safely and lived happily ever after with Sunny.

By Katrina 


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